Deirdere Tschanz


I started teaching parenting classes to inmates at Ramsey County jail in 2013. It wasn’t long before I realized a recurring pattern: safe housing was an essential piece for women, especially women who are single moms with children, to move forward in long term recovery and stability.  In my opinion, transitional housing is one of TCM’s greatest services. The rewards from working at the women’s house that provides housing for single mothers and their children is truly priceless. I am continually inspired with a renewed sense of hope and life which comes from seeing the mothers and children living in safe, peaceful housing and thriving. I credit the biblical and holistic programming at the houses for this success. God has given us His Word and as we increasingly align our lives with His word, we are increasingly empowered by His Spirit and sound living. 

A main aim of the programming is to intentionally connect residents with mature church communities and loving, faithful mentors who can come alongside residents in a familial type relationship and help with anything from basic needs- like finding child care items or enjoying a meal together, to heavier needs- like advice in financial budgets to grief support. James 1:27 reminds Christians that true religion is to care for orphans and widows. TCM’s work and involvement in the women’s house is a direct application of this verse. It is my sincere prayer and goal that TCM can help start more houses for women that can serve more single mothers and their children throughout the metro area.